Our Learning

Engaged Instructors. Stronger Outcomes.

Personalized, engaging lessons and programs taught by qualified,
native-speaking Albanian instructors

Mso! Shqip Little Girl Raising Hand

Curriculum Overview

Mëso!Shqip is more than a language tool – it’s a fun way to build connections and instill love and appreciation for Albanian culture.

We developed the Mëso!Shqip curriculum based on today’s education best practices. We rely on the Albanian and Kosovar Ministries of Education’s recommended Diaspora curriculum as the foundation, then enhance those lessons with a cutting-edge, engaging platform that reinforces the importance of the Albanian language while instilling a life-long love of culture and heritage.

Learning Areas

Our curriculum is centered around five key learning areas selected to
provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for all students.

Albanian Language

Identiteti im & Gjuha Shqipe

Përmes kësaj tematike nxënësi zbulon gradualisht dhe natyrshëm pjesën më të qenësishme të identitetit të vet, gjuhën shqipe me veçoritë e saj, zotërimi i së cilës e aftëson atë që të punojë me tekste letrare dhe jo letrare. Të gjitha fushat/lëndët e tjera formësojnë dhe plotësojnë më tej tek nxënësi, në mënyrë më të plotë, kuptimin e identitetit kombëtar shqiptar.

Albanian History

Shqiptarët në hapësirë dhe në kohë

Përmes kësaj tematike nxënësi njihet me koordinatat dhe me hartën e vendosjes hapësinore të shqiptarëve, si dhe me momentet kryesore të historisë së tyre përgjatë shekujve. Kjo tematikë aftëson nxënësin që të orientohet në mënyrë graduale, duke zotëruar të dhënat kryesore që lidhen me gjeografinë, historinë dhe kulturën shqiptare, me popullin shqiptar si formacion etnik dhe si njësi kombëtare.

Albanian Culture & Society

Kultura dhe shoqëria

Përmes kësaj tematike nxënësi arrin të bashkërendojë të dhënat dhe njohuritë e domosdoshme mbi të cilat është ndërtuar shoqëria shqiptare që në kohën e ilirëve. Aty janë bashkërenditur historia, arti, muzika, zakonet dhe traditat, trashëgimia materiale e kulturore, monumentet e kulturës, parqet natyrore, vendet turistike etj.

One World for All

Një botë për të gjithë

Përmes kësaj tematike nxënësi përdor njohuritë e marra për kulturën dhe historinë shqiptare, duke integruar dhe duke e parë Shqipërinë dhe shqiptarët si gjithë historitë dhe kulturat në botë.

Learning, Work, Play and Free Time

Mësimi, puna, loja, koha e lirë

Përmes kësaj tematike nxënësi njihet më thellë me mësimin, shkollën, punën, lojën, kohën e lirë në Atdhe dhe i krahason me ato të vendit ku jeton e krijon, duke u përgatitur për një përfshirje më kompetente të vetes në ndërtimin dhe zhvillimin e këtyre veprimtarive. Në këtë mënyrë ai ndërtohet më tej në rrafsh kulturor dhe e stabilizon baraspeshën e duhur identitare. Gjithashtu, kjo tematikë krijon mundësi që nxënësi të pasurojë fjalorin me fjalë dhe terma që lidhen me mësimin, punën, lojën dhe kohën e lirë.

*Mëso!Shqip is a language and culture school to amplify your child’s existing education. Please note
that Mëso!Shqip is not a replacement for the traditional school that your child is attending.

Learning for Every Level

Our curriculum is divided into 10 levels (grades) based on skills for children aged 6-15. Grades are then divided into weekly classes, and classes into lessons.

Our goal is to match each student with the right starting level. Many students choose to begin with the lower-level courses to build a strong foundation and quickly move to a more “age-appropriate” learning level.

As an example, a 9-year-old may start their Mëso!Shqip journey on Level 1, the Abetare level. This student would likely breeze through Abetare and the subsequent levels, establishing a strong foundation or refreshing their existing knowledge of the Albanian alphabet, reading and writing, etc; and, within a year or two, reach a more age-aligned learning level.

This teaching approach enables us to provide standardized course curriculums that can be personalized to the style and speed best for the student. Additionally, our 3 distinct learning paths allows children and parents to find the best match for the student’s current language ability, learning aptitude, interest level and schedule availability.

Learn more about Mëso!Shqip learning paths and subscription plans.

What to Know

Mso! Shqip Timer

Flexible Scheduling

Each of our 10 levels is roughly 36-weeks long. Although we have a recommended pace and start time, each student and their parent can choose when they want to start the curriculum, pause for family vacations, and select their ideal day-of-the week and time-of-day to conduct the live 1:1 class(es).

In our most popular subscription model, class length is 25 minutes for younger students with two classes per week. For older students, class length is 50 minutes, once per week.

*Please note, if a student wants to take 2 or more classes per week to expedite course completion, then the subscription model changes too.

Mso! Shqip Laptop Award

Engaging, Quality Instructors

Our instructors come from all Albanian speaking regions in the Balkans. They are based in the Balkans and most of them are current instructors. They speak English and are encouraged to develop relationships and friendly rapports while building a foundation of knowledge that will establish a lifetime of skills for your child. Every engagement between instructor and student is recorded and made available to students and parents for learning reinforcement and quality assurance.

Mso! Shqip Checklist

Technology Requirements

For Mëso!Shqip, all you need are:

  • WiFi connection
  • Computer, laptop or tablet
  • Pen and notepad
  • Willingness to learn!

Path to Language Proficiency


Beginner Beginner

Can have very short social exchanges and give information on familiar and routine matters.


Elementary Elementary

Albanian language fluency with the ability to read and comprehend Albanian literary text and writing


Intermediate Intermediate

Understanding of national history, major cultural figures (literary and/or artistic) and the cultural and historical trends or movements of which they are a part



In-depth familiarity with culture represented within and relating to Albania


Advanced Advanced

Basic ability to research, organize, and compose information in the target language for both oral and written presentation


Proficient Proficient

Understand, appreciate, connect with and truly love our incredible culture!

CEFR model of language proficiency

Get Started

Join the Mëso!Shqip Learning Community


Will my child receive a certificate after completing a course?

Yes. After each course, students receive a certificate of completion recognizing their Albanian language proficiency. The certificate is available in the Mëso!Shqip Learning Portal under the student account profile.

Where should my kid start in the curriculum?

Every student’s experience is personalized and unique. We work with students across the spectrum of experience, from complete beginners to students who have been learning and speaking Albanian for years, and work to make all of them feel excited yet challenged by the material. Write to us to schedule a Welcome Call with a Mëso!Shqip Admissions team member if you believe that your student has enough experience to place into a higher-level course, otherwise get started here.

Does Mëso!Shqip ever offer in-person camps or classes?

Mëso!Shqip is 100% online because we believe that high-quality learning can happen anywhere. Parents report that the flexibility of location and scheduling of our courses is one of the best parts of Mëso!Shqip.

In the near-future we are planning to organize in-person camps in the US and educational trips to Albania.

Can my student get additional help outside of class time?

Of course! Please email [email protected] with any questions, and our team will address them.

Can I pick the course for my student? I think they should be in the most advanced course.

Placing each student into the course that’s the best fit is critical, as starting at a point that is too advanced or too basic is discouraging and unproductive. Instead, students and parents should focus on building a strong, long-term foundation that will serve them for years to come. Many of our most advanced students start in our beginner courses before working their way up.

Browse our complete list of FAQs for more answers